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Wi-Fi Access On School Grounds

CCPS understands the challenge our families may face in accessing adequate internet service to support continued student learning.  For families facing this challenge, CCPS encourages parents/students with smartphones to contact their providers about free mobile hotspot features that may be currently available to them.  This will allow users to utilize their phones as a mobile hot spot.  All major providers should have this feature available.  Additionally,  CCPS encourages parent/students to utilize the free Comcast/Xfininty Wifi service that was enabled for non-Comcast Customers. Ting is offering the same in Westminster. This is more viable in more densely populated areas of the County.

To support student access, CCPS has enabled Guest Wi-Fi access in all School Bus Loops.  Areas at each school where Wi-Fi is available can be found on each school's website under "CCPS Wifi Access On School Grounds".

CCPS also encourages parents/students to take advantage of this same external Wi-Fi capability at Carroll County Public Library Branches. 

Finally,  parents/guardians may want to contact local internet providers to explore the programs available to them.  For example, Comcast offers reduced internet fees through a program called Internet Essentials, which is offering two months of free service during the Coronavirus emergency. 

We understand the challenges some may face with the limit accessibility issue Carroll County residents may experience and we continue to identify ways the we can support student access.